
Open Door

A series of short books by bestselling Irish authors, curated by Patricia Scanlan for emerging adult readers.

The Open Door Book of Poetry

The Open Door Book of Poetry


by Niall MacMonagle

Part of The Open Door series, an adult literacy series of novellas by well-known Irish authors.

A-format, paperback | 121pp | ISBN: 978-1-90430-170-7 | Release Date: March 2005

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It has been said that poetry is a language in itself. But for many of us, the language of poetry can be difficult. The Open Door Book of Poetry aims to invite people to look again. Here, Niall MacMonagle has selected 52 easy-to-read poems from the most popular poets including Emily Dickinson, Shakespeare, Wordsworth and Patrick Kavanagh. Each poem is a painting in words. With a brief piece about each work, this book is the perfect introduction to the joys of poetry.